Mind ripples

dhar book web Mind RipplesMind Ripples

In this anthology, you will find reflections that will keep the mind of the reader on a delicious edge: there is truth woven in fantasy and fiction, in the romantic and the irreverent. There are short and factual stories embedded with symbolism, prose interwoven with metaphor and simplicity. There is poetry that leaves the heart and mind of the reader soaring with new possibilities. All of this opens the doors of imagination, where the sky has no limits.

We proudly present to you: “Mind Ripples.” With a sense of adventure, each one of the fourteen authors demonstrates a capacity to be versatile and imaginative. The more experienced authors alongside the novice offer you, the reader, a freshness of imagination and dynamism in each one of their writings and poems. Their works are delivered to you with the fecundity of the imagery language, while other authors present to you a narration that is enriched by local expressions brought from their countries of origin. From this, we grew, reaching beyond the limits of our preconceived paradigms of life and intellectual barriers.


To buy it: www.amazon.com

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